So without the details, or the background or anything else... I told Mr S I was still in love with him today! I didn't mean to, it just flew out of my mouth and before I could catch it, it was too late!
And how did I react afterwards or regain control of the situation in a way normal people would? I tell you now, it is not by finishing the sentance with the words 'you are an asshole'!?!!
I mean wft? Why is it, I can be sense itself 99% of the time and yet sometimes I act like a total lunatic.
The response by the way was an angry face, silence and him heading out on a date - what was I thinking? Or not, as the case may be.
Promulgation (v): To announce or declare
(Or in my world... to make a total tit of yourself with no going back)
Highly appropriate: Don't Speak, No Doubt
So here it begins... Over the next 12 months i'm going to blog the events that shape my life and invite you to follow me on my journey to find my way because I seem to have lost myself in the last few years. So here it is - The battle of one 20something year old female struggling to find her place.
How it all began: 31/12/09 -
So here it is my narcassistic page of golden syrup on toast and there you are the faceless crown i'm telling my tale to, gratis therapy of the 21st century....
You my lil blogger friends are invited along for the ride but i'm warning you now, it ain't going to be easy as we both know its not like it is in the movies... this is going to be one gnaryly self absorbed, rocky road and you'll need to pull your socks up if you are going to keep up!

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