How it all began: 31/12/09 -

So here it is my narcassistic page of golden syrup on toast and there you are the faceless crown i'm telling my tale to, gratis therapy of the 21st century....

You my lil blogger friends are invited along for the ride but i'm warning you now, it ain't going to be easy as we both know its not like it is in the movies... this is going to be one gnaryly self absorbed, rocky road and you'll need to pull your socks up if you are going to keep up!

Friday 7 May 2010


I am dyyyyying to go out get drunk, party, dance, giggle and do all the things I should steer away from as I need to be studying.

Why is it, when you are supposed to be studying or writing a 5,000 word essay even watching paint dry somehow seems appealing.  My flat is nothing short of spotless, I even somehow found myself rearranging the contents of my bedroom drawers and wardrobe!

So how have I decided to fight the fight to keep myself in, sober and studying for as many hours as possible today?  I've decided to bake a cake - Delia Smith eat your heart out...

If I did have to choose though, I'd rather be Nigella Lawson -  she might fondle anything phallic with a cheeky glint in her eye in a bid for world cookery domination, but at least she doesn't have a ponch for all things floral and bad hair cuts.  Yes Nigella lawson it is.

So what delicious tasty treat am I making you ask... well bloggers due to the fact the only eggs in my kitchen are of the 'dried' variety I have swayed away from the urges to make a chocolate torte and have opted for a cheeky vanilla and chocolate marble cake :D mmmm

Oh yes... way back in the 1950's I'd have made someone a wonderful housewife :P


  1. heart atatck on a plate

  2. Only if you eat a crazy amount... I had 1 piece and gave the rest to friends :)
