How it all began: 31/12/09 -

So here it is my narcassistic page of golden syrup on toast and there you are the faceless crown i'm telling my tale to, gratis therapy of the 21st century....

You my lil blogger friends are invited along for the ride but i'm warning you now, it ain't going to be easy as we both know its not like it is in the movies... this is going to be one gnaryly self absorbed, rocky road and you'll need to pull your socks up if you are going to keep up!

Thursday 23 December 2010

Choo choo spew

Im still on a phone with limited net bloggers so another short one.

The train journey to the family Christmas was awful, roasting packed train, I had a seat but it was backwards and the worst bit... Right beside a stinking poo splattered (I'm guessing from the smell) toilet of doom! 20mins in and I had to spend the rest of the journey taking myself out of being sick! £90 for a ticket and I was no better off than hitch hiking with a soiled nappy tied to my face.

My dad died 9yrs ago today so it's been up and down emotionally for me today. Mum and I sat on her bed drinking hot choc and watching tv while giggling and laughing earlier. Did the both of us good I think.

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